Bakes Care Guide

Thank you for ordering from Huckleberry Bakes! In order to preserve freshness and quality of your cake, please review our care instructions.

Cakes and Cupcakes

Store in refrigerator in it’s original box for up to one day before event. Longer storage should be in the freezer and moved to refrigerator the day before your event. Place at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and heat sources for 1-2 hours before your event. Leftovers can be wrapped in saran wrap and placed in an airtight container to be frozen for up to 1 month.


Store at room temperature in a cool, dry place until you are ready to enjoy. Cookies can be frozen up to 1 month in their original heat sealed bag inside an airtight container. To defrost, without opening the airtight container, remove from freezer and simply leave out at room temperature for 3 hours. Enjoy!